Remembering 2017 and welcoming 2018 - CEO's year end talk to employees



September 15, 2020 Author

2017, the year of mixed of moments, emotions and events. I would like to admit, this is most constructive and gratified year of my journey as a NextBrain CEO. The year was full of events and challenges. The year kick started with two celebrations i.e New Year celebration and pongal festival celebration. The celebrations change state of mind of people and that is way it essential. These small events give us a necessary break to refresh ourselves and pump us to fight with the challenges with more dedication and passion.

Nextbrain Team

Saranraj Award

Then we saw, Jallikattu, a cultural event in south India has spurred a flood of animal rights debate in the Indian media. We held an event on 19th January in the solidarity with jallikattu. It was an attempt to stand with our society, fight with sanity and peace. For same purpose, we had sponsored an app for Crime control force. We should keep fighting with the challenges as team

2017 was a good financial year for me as an entrepreneur and my team. We witnessed 500% growth in our revenue. It was result of our hard work.

Welcome Client

Clients photo

We made a healthy business relationship with our clients. And this was the most satisfying moment, when client’s came back with to award you a new project for your past work. I am happy that I and my team are able to satisfy the customers. We had signed 50+ new projects with the clients all over the world. We welcomed them in our office and assured them for the best results.

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Meanwhile, we went on hiring as our range was increasing. Our HR team had introduced some of the talented and awesome members in our team. We grew from 15 to 50. We had organized events to welcome our new team members to join us in this beautiful journey.

nextbrain office

In the month of August, we decided to shift our office to bigger space. It was really an achievement to shift our office from a 400 sq ft office to 2500 sq ft office. Our new office has capacity to accommodate 70 professionals.


happy wedding

On different occasions we keep organizing events to add flavor in our tech life. We celebrated women’s day, different festivals, republic day, Independence Day etc. One of the most memorable celebrations was marriage anniversary of my friend and our Co-founder Mr. chandru. It was a typical Indian with cakes, well wishes, food and fun.

Clients meeting

Nextbrain Team

Many more events was there in 2017 like black theme day, white theme day, annual sports events etc. We keep experimenting with our knowledge and experience, for same we had organized several techevents like knowledge sharing event.

Nextbrain Team

As a part of NextBrain team, we will work on our future vision with same passion and commitment. I would like to mention some of our future goals. We are working on enterprise cloud products for logistic and workforce industry, and we are planning to launch the same in 2018.

We are planning to set-up another development center in Coimbatore (Tamilnadu) with 30 professionals. It is our goal to setup branch offices in different parts of the world like in Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Singapore and we are working relentlessly to achieve this goal. We are also planning to extent the range of our services to enterprise customers in Healthcare, logistics, education, real estate and Finance Industry.

Annual Sports cups

The annual sports day that we celebrated last week was to refresh our brain and to encourage our employees for physical fitness. Healthy brain resides in a healthy body. So it was an attempt from our side to give message to our employees.

Annual Sports

I suggest them to participate in more such activities like sports, yoga, and exercise to keep you healthy and fit. Keep supporting and raising your voice for sanity, society, justice and humanity. I would like to extent my gratitude to all of you, for being awesome as team and as an individual, showing team spirit, working for the vision of the organization and for doing constructive and productive tasks for the company. So I would like you wish you a very Happy New Year 2018. Let’s welcome the New Year together with new spirit to do something different.