How much does cost to build local service providers market place application?



September 15, 2020 Author

Build Local Service Providers Application

Local service providers market place business is trending in every country nowadays. Since people need to hire smart service providers to their needs like plumber, handyman, painter, electrician, carpenter, landscaper and etc.., around their location. So customers can find the service providers, post the job, get the job done, pay and do the rating about services providers. Similarly service providers can see the list of job request, accept the job, complete it and get the payment. To run this business, you should have customers iPhone & Android application, Pros iPhone & android application and back end web application to manage the entire data of customer and services providers (Pros).

How it works

Local service providers application


Mobile development: iPhone (Objective C), Android (Java)
Web development: Laravel Framework, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3 and Jquery

Roles of users

Customers – Customers can login into application to find the pros, post the job, pay and post the rate & reviews.
Professionals – Professionals can login into their application and see the assigned jobs, complete and get the payment.
Administrator – Who controls entire application, security & settings and customers

Customer iPhone and Android application

- Splash screen
- Application will work in English language only
- Application will work in portrait mode only
- Application should be compatible in all resolutions of Android phones and iPhone.
- Use user GPS location
- Users Account
- User Login
- User Signup
- Users need to verify their email and phone number. Need to integrate the SMS gateway to send the verification code to users.
- Forgot password
- My Profile with image
- Profile settings – Edit profile, changes password and delete account
- Find the service providers
- Users can view the service provider based on customer location or they can filter the service provider by area.
- Filter the service provider by category, rating and reviews.
- View the full information of particular service provider. It should have basic information, offering services, reviews and completed job list.
- Post a service
- Once user checking the service provider profile, they can request the service to do.
- Customer need to add the services information like Title, Date & time, location, Upload photo (Optional) and submit it to those service provider.
- Pay now
- It should have option to pay in online.
- Users can do the payment in online using their credit or debit card. We need to integrate any one of the payment gateway.
- Once the payment is processed by customer, it will goes to admin account.
- Customer can see the list of posted services. It should have edit and delete option.
- View the full information of particular service. It should have the status of service. Ex: Open, Assigned, Postpone, Progress, Completed. - Suppose if it is postponed, it should show the description of postpone this services.
- Once the service is completed by professional, Of course, Customer will receive the push notification and email too. Also it should be notified to admin via email.
- Once the work is completed, it should pop up to request the rate and review. So customer can rate the professional based on their service.
- Payment
- View the list of payment transaction list with service ID, amount, status, paid date and etc..,
- Filter by online payment or cash.
- About us, contact us and Social media links in application

Professional (Service provider) – iPhone and Android application
We have to build a professional facing iPhone and Android application they can login, access the assigned jobs, update the status and manage the payments etc..,

- Splash screen
- Application will work in English language
- Application will work in portrait mode only
- Application should be compatible in all resolutions of Android phones and iPhone.
- Service provider Account
- Service provider Login
- Service provider Signup [Name, email, password, city, phone, Email, Services, Terms and conditions and etc.,] It should be approved by admin to access the application.
- Forgot password
- My Profile with image
- Profile settings – Edit profile, changes password and delete account
- Update the status like free, busy or leave.
- Jobs
- Professionals can view the list of assigned jobs by admin or it will be assigned directly to service providers. Usually admin or moderator can see the list of service request from customers. So they have to analyze and assign the job to professionals.
- Assigned jobs should be accepted or cancelled by professional. Also they should accept based on some time limit. Otherwise it will be cancelled.
- View the full information of particular job. It should have title, address, date & time and photos of job. So professional will go to customer place and do the work. If they initiated the job, they need to update the status called Progress.
- Once the job has been completed by professional, they need to update the status called Completed. Also status update should prompt them to enter the cost of job which they have done.
- Once the cost has been updated against job, admin can see the professional cost. Then admin need to add some additional cost and update against job. It should be notified by customers in their application via push notification and Email.
- Filter the job list by status
- Reviews - Professionals can view the list of reviews from customers.
- Report
- Show the report of their earning by completed jobs.
- Filter by daily, weekly and month
- About us, contact us and Social media links in application

Web Application Development

We need to build the simple front website, admin panel and API development from service side.

Simple front end website
- Website should be developed with attractive design
- SEO standard
- Responsive design integration
- W3C validation
- Home page with more detail presentation of application features
- Testimonials – Users can see the testimonials of their customers
- How it works
- Social media links
- About us, Contact us, Terms and Social media links in application
- Download – Users can see the download of iPhone and Android application

Administration panel development
CMS is mainly for providing administration for moderator or administrator for our application. It has complete data management of customers, services providers, payment and report etc..,

- Admin Login & Settings
- Dashboard and Analytics
- Admin settings [ password changes, Edit account ]
- Sub-admin / moderator – Admin can add and manage the sub-admin [ edit, delete, block / unblock the moderator ]
- Settings Module
- General settings
- Email and contact settings
- SMTP mailer Settings
- Social media page settings & Google analytical settings
- Modules settings – Enable & disable the modules
- Google map API key settings
- Image settings
- Logo settings
- Favicon settings
- No-image settings
- Image zoom settings
- Country & Cities management
- Add city & country
- Manage Cities [Add, edit, delete, block/unblock]
- Add and manage the area

CMS page management
- Add new CMS pages
- Manage CMS pages [Add, edit, delete the pages]
- Manage inquiries from contact us form

Customer management
- Customers dashboard – Analytical reports [Day, week, month, year]
- Add customer – Add new customer & login info send to customer email
- Manage customers – edit, delete, block /unblock customers

Professionals management
- Professionals dashboard – Analytical reports [Day, week, month, year]
- Add professional – Add new professional & login info send to professional email
- Manage professional – edit, delete, block /unblock professional
- View the full details of particular professional
- Manage the rate and review
- Earning report
- Personal information and offering services

Service request management
- View the list of jobs which is requested by customers.
- View the full detail of particular job and assign one professional to do this job. So professional will get notification that, job has been assigned to you.
- Update the status of job like progress or completed.
- Once admin get the job completed notification along with professional price, admin will update the original price.
- Report – Filter the job list by status and date

Payment transaction list
- Admin can see the graphical report of payment transaction
- View the list of payment transaction

Fund transfer to service provider
- View the list of pending payments to service providers
- Admin can check those list and do the payment by every month or week

- Send newsletter - Admin will send the newsletter to customers and professionals

Supported Versions and Devices

iPhone application
Application will support in iOS 7 to iOS 10.11.1
Application will work in iPhone 5, 5S, 6S and 6S plus devices.
Application will work in portrait mode only. It won’t work in landscape mode.

Android application
Application will support in Android OS 4.1 to Android 6.0
Application will work in android phones only which is OS of 4.1 to 6.0. It won’t work any android tabs.
Application will work in portrait mode only. It won’t work in landscape mode.

Time line and cost

Project Analyze & Management - 50 hrs
Web application development(Simple website, admin back end and API development) - 350 hrs
Customer Android application development - 180 hrs
Professionals Android application development - 140 hrs
Customer iPhone application development - 180 hrs
Professionals iPhone application development - 140 hrs
Design - 90 hrs
QA - 60 hrs

Need 1190 hrs to build the customers iPhone & Android application, Pros iPhone & Android application and web application development. Cost of development is $15,470 USD. We need 16 weeks to release the application from start date.

Existing players in market

India - and 
USA -  and 
Australia -

Lets contact us to build awesome local service providers market web and mobile application.