Hire React Native developers: An indepth Analysis of Pros & Cons of React Native



June 06, 2024 Author

Are you looking forward to building cost-effective apps on iOS and Android? Do you prefer the React native framework for mobile app development? With the major technological advancements going around the globe, companies are striving to keep pace with the recent stratum of competition. When it is the scenario of cross-platform app development, developers are most likely to incline towards React native as the best mobile app solution around the corner. It promotes easy, seamless, fast, and cost-effective mobile app development solutions.

As per the latest surveys across the nation by stack overflow, it has been noted that React native is the most commonly used framework by more than 50% of developers. It allows code development for iOS and Android from a single codebase. In this blog post, our main focus lies on learning the different prospects, advantages, and shortcomings of React Native. Looking to invest in mobile app development? Then React native can be the best choice. However, this does not mean it can suit every project. Depending on the project requirements and specifications, the framework should be selected.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Strengths of React native
  • Shortcomings of React native
  • Conclusion


Here’s an overview of the advantages and shortcomings of React native. It will lead readers to make the right choice for their mobile application development.

Strengths of React native

React native is one of the popular choices for several developers. Here we will take a close look at the different benefits of React native.

Boosts the development process

React native offers a wide range of pre-developed components so that React native developers don't have to spend time writing code from scratch. Code is written and the developers have to implement it depending on the app requirements. It provides in-built component libraries and UI tool kits that help in building appealing interfaces within very little time. Listed below are the different UI component libraries:

  • React native maps
  • React native paper
  • React native elements
  • React native camera
  • Native base 

One of the major benefits of React native is its code can be reused between Android and iOS. Several big brands are using React native as a technology stack for business growth.

Instant JS bundle updates

Javascript code can be updated from time to time as long as the code does not change the app's purposes. Resubmitting the React native app to Appstore is not required.

Eradicates iterations

The native app can be debugged but it is a long process. With react native, it is a little easier with ‘Fast refresh’. Having this feature enables developers to view the way the modifications impact the Android and iOS app during its running mode. Having to react native the developers can shorten the debugging process and eradicate iterations. 

Vast community with third-party libraries  

React native has a large following that led to the creation of third-party libraries. A number of libraries are present for push notifications, intro screens, forms, analytics, loading indicators, and social sharing. Having a large community implies that there remains a vast pool of React native developers. 

Native-app like performance

React native applications work like native apps. It is built for iOS and Android. React native utilizes native elements and integrates into native APIs directly. Javascript logic is executed in a separate thread from the user interface and native API. The react native modules interact with native iOS and Android modules. 

Live & hot reloading 

React native is one such framework popular for its live & hot reloading feature. It provides a new file to the stimulator automatically reading the app from the beginning. The hot reloading feature is based on the hot module replacement. The best advantage of hot reloading is it enables the modification of the source code. It eliminates the need for app recompilation for viewing the codes, resulting in a reduced waiting time for changes. 

Administer stable releases

When it comes to cross-platform development, most developers look for a stable framework that can easily resolve errors. With the inception of the new open-source React native stable releases, on Github’s react-native stable releases repository, it became apparent why the developers are more into React native. 

Cost-effective solution

For native app development solutions, developers need to write individual codebases for Android and iOS. It requires native and iOS developers to tackle single projects with different speeds and approaches. This can potentially lead to inconsistencies. On the contrary, React native can be worked on a single codebase. It enhances the flexibility to update and upgrade the mobile app significantly. Major parts of the code can be reused cutting down expenses and cost of app creation. 

Shortcomings of React native language  

We have discussed before the major advantages for which developers are more inclined to use React native for cross-platform development. However, no technology is without flaws and limitations. Regardless of its immense capabilities as the best Javascript library for cross-platform mobile development, it comes with some limitations. Let's take a look at the major limitations below.

The learning curve is a little tricky

React native uses the robust architecture of ReactJs, however, web developers still need to learn how the development works. Contrarily, React, and Javascript are different for Swift, iOS and Java developers. And this architecture of the Javascript to native bridge isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.   

React native is still growing

In the mobile development world, React native has a vital role to play. It has been around since its inception. Therefore, when you are looking for a React Native Development Company, it is important to look for developers with effective technical skills.

Process slowly in comparison to native application

As a single threading framework, React native does not support multiple processing. The main drawback is when developers are looking for multiple processes, other elements have to wait until one component is rendered. It can lead to slow performance as developers want to implement multiple processes.


While you are choosing React native solutions for your mobile application development project, it is important to learn if the framework indeed suits your project requirements. The dev community is working hard to fix bugs and administer frequent updates. As the leading React Native Development Company, Nextbrain has a core team of developers with multiple years of knowledge in React native development services. 

Feel free to connect with our professionals to learn more about React native development.