Explore the possible ways seo reduces your websites’ carbon footprint



April 27, 2022 Author

Most people are of the conception that the vast internet platform is eco-friendly and thereby while accessing the content online, one can avoid the usage of resources like paper. However, this is partially true and the main fact lies in website's being not carbon neutral. The websites and the internet as a combination creates an environmental impact.

The most common reason for a website's carbon footprint is electricity usage. Therefore, it is important to create a website that is carbon neutral. This can be accomplished with proper SEO practices. In this article, we will lead you through the different aspects of how search engine optimization helps to reduce the website's carbon footprint. Our SEO professionals offer proper optimization strategies that will help diminish the overall carbon footprint of the website.

What is eco-friendly seo and how it diminishes the carbon footprint?

SEO is capable of supporting a webmaster's drive in improving the carbon footprint of a website. Therefore, SEO and eco-friendly concerns can go hand in hand. It diminishes the total number of unnecessary visits to a website and ultimately reduces the data downloaded for each user visit. With the help of optimizing content, targeting the right traffic, minimizing data-heavy on-page assets and a clean code can add to the company's marketing strategy.

With time as global changes are increasing it is time to begin using less energy by listening to less internet music and reducing vague searches. Ethical SEO can be defined as the practice of strategies and techniques that abide by the search engines and also lead to a website carbon neutral footprint. Let's take a look at the different ways SEO has impacted diminishing the website carbon footprint.

Unveiling the ways seo works contributing to neutralizing the carbon footprint

Ways SEO contributing

Images and videos

Among the various driving factors of a website's carbon footprint, images and videos play a major driving factor. The weight of a website depends upon images, videos and other contents it comprises. As you use heavy images and videos, the website will take more time to load and result in the consumption of more data. SEO experts should always consider the careful usage of images and videos on pages. At times, the size of the content can be reduced and also eliminated based on its necessity. One can keep the image if it is indeed a value to the user. When a video is essential to your website then you can remove the auto play option and easily have a short video rather than a long one. The best SEO professionals will majorly evaluate the use of images and videos.

Valuable content to produce

Content is king and also plays an important role in energy consumption. If your website is having long forms of content, there are chances that more people will spend time on the page leading to more energy consumption. By maintaining ethical SEO practices, it may sound contrary to having short content. The website optimization for search engines ranking requires ensuring that the content comprises valuable keywords and good length.

From the perspective of the SEO profession, the experts ensure that people spend more time on your website looking through the contents. Simultaneously, we should make sure that the visitors visiting the profile are not wasting time. Another aspect that tends to improve the carbon footprint of the website is valuable content. A website comprising valuable content offers ample value to the consumer and thus the consumer will only go through the essential contents and thereby lesser energy consumption.

Technical seo audit/optimizing javascript

When it comes to a website's carbon footprint Javascript will majorly impact it with the amount of processing needed for the user's device. It adds to the weight of the website via code files. The coding and functions of Javascript are essentially processed on the user's devices such as smartphones, laptops and tablets. This, in turn, increases CPU consumption. Mostly the cooling fan goes out of order due to more power consumption. This lies as a part of the technical SEO audit.


The best approach through which website optimization can sustainably are as follows:

  • A more effective structure of CSS always helps in solving issues.
  • One can try as well as eliminate the unused Javascript for diminishing the bytes used.
  • One can also try setting the work to minimum Javascript files that can diminish the payload sizes and the script parse time.

The fonts

The significant weight that website fonts incur in the form of font files on the website pages adds to the carbon footprint of the site. For instance, an individual font file can be as high as 300 kb and if some of it is in bold, the weight measure doubles up. One can surely reduce the inessential weight of the font file to make the website's carbon footprint neutral.

By utilizing accelerated mobile pages (AMP)

The accelerated mobile page is considered a special feature that makes the page load quicker by eliminating unnecessary coding. The main objective of AMP is to offer a minimal rendition of the actual version of the webpage. As per the natural instinctive approach of Google, it is fond of mobile search results that consider better ranking for your content. From the very outset if your website is optimized AMP cannot have much impact.

Establishing static web pages

The idea of establishing and building static web pages is going to aid the page loading speed. A web server plays a vital role when every time anyone tries to load the page, leading to more energy spent by servers. Thereby, static web pages are the best solution one can opt for.

Establishing Static


The method of calculating a website's carbon footprint can be difficult and several tools like website carbon can readily help. As the leading SEO company in India, Nextbrain offers a wide spectrum of optimization solutions to startups, enterprises and medium scale companies. Our SEO professionals and digital marketers are striving to accomplish the neutral website carbon footprint and given the fact that it is also the foremost important priority for all digital marketers.