What are the benefits of serverless architecture for app development?



May 31, 2022 Author

Serverless architecture is becoming a greatly popular method for application development, where maintenance and deployment of servers will be outsourced to the third parties. This term serverless architecture will be a misnomer as generally, the code needs to be run on the server. The term serverless architecture can be utilized from the perception of developers, who may not require maintaining the underlying infrastructure needed for the deployment, testing, and running of application code.  Many cloud companies have already started offering the facility of a serverless architecture. Some of the popular ones are Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, Google cloud, and Auth0 Webtask.

Frameworks of Serverless architecture

frameworks of serverless architeture

The framework of a robust serverless architecture in order to develop an application needs to include the below-given components.

Client application

Whatever may be the condition of your server architecture, it is always required to render the client interface on the client side. Hence, a static web server will be enough to run client applications.

Web server

The webserver needed for providing client applications needs to be high-quality to offer all the static JavaScript, HTML, and CSS needed.

FaaS solution

FaaS refers to Function as a Service, which can be interchanged using a serverless architecture. Even though it may not be a complete architecture, it is the major component for serverless computing.

Security Token Services (STS)

Users who make use of serverless computing utilize the API of the service provider to log into the system and use its wide range of services. The serverless architecture needs to be able to create a security token for almost every user, which may then offer access for the API.

User authentication

In a serverless environment, the user can sign up for any service and then the serverless computing will make sure that the customer is signed up and logged into the application easily and quickly.


Even if the application is being developed as well as utilized via a serverless architecture, the information related to that particular application requires to be stored efficiently in the database. This database needs to be a part of this serverless architecture.

Advantages of a Serverless architecture

advantages of a serverless architecture

There are various benefits of using a Serverless architecture for your business applications. Let’s discuss the major advantages of a Serverless architecture.

No need for server management

Even though Serverless computing may use space on servers, the development team need not have to deal with the servers. The vendor can easily manage them. This may minimize the investment required in DevOps, which can minimize expenses, and also clears up a team of developers to create as well as expand the applications with no force due to server capacity.

Pay only for use

Mobile app developers will be charged only for whatever services they have used. Code will only work if backend functions are needed by the Serverless application. Then the code will balance up automatically as required. In contrast to server-full architecture, the team of developers need to reflect in progress on the amount of server space they require and then can purchase that space, if they end up making use of it or not.

Inherently scalable

Applications built using a Serverless infrastructure can rectify automatically as the customer base expands. If the function requires to be run in various cases, the servers of vendor’s may start as well as end them because they are needed, generally using containers. Approach a top app development company to avail Serverless application development services.

Quick deployment

By implementing serverless there is no requirement for uploading code to any servers and doing a backend configuration for publishing a moving version of the application. Mobile application developers may easily upload code parts as well as release another product. This provides a great possibility to instantly fix, update, or add the latest features to the application. It is not required to deliver modifications to the entire application; rather the development team may update an application single function at a time.

Decreasing latency

The applications will not be hosted on the origin server as the code may be executed from everywhere. It will be possible based on the vendor-managed for executing the functions of the mobile apps on servers that are advancing towards the end-user. This minimizes latency as requests from the customer no higher need to go through an activation server. Also, Cloudflare professionals enable this kind of reduction for the serverless latency.


Serverless computing needs to be a transformation in the software development approach, where the focus will be on offering innovative solutions instead of focusing on how the solutions can be implemented. Nextbrain Technologies is the leading Serverless app development company offering robust and scalable apps to ramp up your business.