A beginners guide to metaverse: what is metaverse in blockchain?



June 01, 2022 Author

Have you ever wondered what are Blockchain and Non-fungible tokens? NFTs are unique and non-fungible data units that are kept using blockchain technology that allocates real-world value to a digital object. The term ‘Metaverse’ was first used in the iconic cyberpunk novel by Neal Stephenson ‘Snow Crash’. Metaverse can be delineated as a shared “imaginary realm” that is made available to the public throughout the fibre-optics network. The metaverse is a virtual world where developers can build parks, signs, buildings, and things that do not exist in reality. It involves players who can interact with other players virtually. In this article, we are going to discuss the different tokens, metaverse coins, wallets, and blockchain startups, and the way metaverse works.  

In order to have a proper understanding of the various blockchain metaverse networks, let's take a look at the different metaverse networks. 

Introduction to metaverse &  how it is related to blockchain technology  

Metaverse can be delineated as a three-dimensional Virtual Reality Space where users can easily interact with digital objects and with the immersive surrounding. Metaverse is easy to manage to owe to its beneficial features like persistency, infinite, self-sustaining, decentralized and interoperable. Both in factors of value and physical form, Crypto is completely untethered from real-world currencies. Therefore, this makes the process of payment and transactions easier in the virtual world. The metaverse is decentralized in nature and a single entity can easily control the metaverse. Experienced developers offer Metaverse development services to enterprises and businesses that are seeking metaverse development solutions.     

Blockchain use cases in the metaverse

In this context, it is important to acknowledge the applications of blockchain in the metaverse. 

Self-identity authentication

During the authentication, users can easily navigate the metaverse and with it, their identity evolves. Blockchain technology can easily keep track of the security number. Blockchain helps to maintain transparency comprising changes to one’s appearance, age, online activity history and several other details for preventing any online threat in the metaverse. 

In-game assets  

NFT gaming is a section of in-game assets that would become non-fungible tokens or NFTs. The Virtual Reality gameplay would enable users to make real money that has complete value inside the metaverse. Assets will remain completely unaltered even if the user quit the game or if there is any other scenario.  

Real estate in the metaverse

Just as the in-game assets, real estate is another crucial commodity in the metaverse. The ways of regulating and defining real estate can be a difficulty, provided that the metaverse is infinite both in terms of concurrent users and space. Blockchain can act as a proper record of the way real estate works.

Creator incentivization

This is considered the first-ever application of blockchain in the metaverse. At times, Apple used to charge a 30% fee for any purchase that users make with its popular game, Fortnite. Epic Games sued Apple for such actions. With the help of cryptocurrency, creator incentivization makes sure that there are no arbitrary rules governing the exchange. 

The core attributes of metaverse

 In this context, we have delineated the core attributes of the metaverse. Let's take a look at the different attributes of the metaverse.    

  • Be persistent: It never resets, ends or pauses and it keeps going incessantly. 
  • Be synchronous and lively: Having the pre-scheduled as well as self-contained events, metaverse will be a living experience that exists continuously for everyone and in real-time 
  • Promotes a completely functional economy: Several enterprises and businesses are capable of creating, investing, selling, and owning a wide range of efforts that create value that others recognize.  
  • Provide unprecedented interoperability: It provides remarkable data content, digital assets, and many more between each of the experiences. Nowadays, the digital world is operating in a way as if it's a shopping mall having stores that have their own money, unique ID cards, proprietary units of measurements for items and so forth.  
  • Huge range of contributors: It should be filled with content and experiences processed by many contributors.
  • Experience: It would span both the physical and digital world, public and private networks in addition to open and closed platforms. 

As the leading Blockchain app development company, Nextbrain comprises a pool of talented blockchain developers who have many years of proficiency in offering blockchain solutions to enterprises and businesses.  

The working of the metaverse

Metaverse can be easily divided into two platforms. The first and foremost important one includes leveraging nonfungible tokens or NFTs and cryptocurrencies for creating blockchain-based metaverse startups. People can easily purchase virtual land as well as create their own settings on Decentralized and the Sandbox platforms. 

People who generally purchase or trade virtual assets on distinct blockchain platforms should see cryptocurrencies. The blockchain-based platforms include The Sandbox’s SAND and Decentralized MANA need Ethereum based crypto tokens for purchasing as well as selling virtual assets.

Metaverse as a Facebook initiative

Metaverse is not only an initiative by Facebook, Chipmaker and Microsoft, it is becoming a trend for many enterprise applications developed by proficient Blockchain developers and companies. Companies like Epic games create a popular video game, Fortnite, which has raised more than $1 billion from financers for assisting funds its long-term metaverse apps.

One of the major platforms in the game platform is Roblox and it describes the metaverse as a place where people can easily come together within millions of 3D experiences to study, play, work, and create. 

Future of metaverse

Still, it remains unclear the way a true metaverse that perfectly reflects mirrors actual life and how long it would take to create. Different blockchain-dependent metaverse platforms are working on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technology for enabling users to interact with the environment. With progressing time, blockchain technology is gaining popularity owing to its significance in healthcare, real estate, AI, education, app platforms and many more. Are you looking for a Blockchain development solution? Nextbrain is the leading Metaverse development company that offers a myriad range of metaverse and blockchain technology solutions catering to the needs of clients.